Happy Zombie

The Happy Zombie

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Daily Cup of Joy

1. Fantasia the service dog and the joy she brings... as does her "mommy".
2. Sleeping in my own bed.
3. Coming home from my trip and seeing my family and doggies.
4. Being at in Walnut Creek and having the best time ever with my family and the "All About Me" celebration at Agave!
5. Care packages! Homemade Mexican cookies and jam from Aunt Martha, Green Noodles from Aunt Lupe, and Berkeley Farms milk, German bologna & farmer's bread from Mom. The priceless look on Karen's face when she realized why I traveled with an empty cooler!
6. Shopping at the Cotton Patch in Lafayette and stocking up on huge selection of yummy aqua fabric!
7. The slogan: Moooooo... Farms in Berekeley?


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